Continuous improvements for your business
We will be beneficial to your business:

A reliable technical partner
for your business!

Increase the efficiency of your IT team or IT department

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Conduct a technical analysis of your digital product and reduce your risks

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Assist in assessing digital intellectual assets

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Help you effectively launch your digital product
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Identify violations of intellectual property rights in digital products

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Identify vulnerabilities in your infrastructure and security system

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Improving the efficiency of the IT team

It will be beneficial
  • For businesses with in-house programmers, their own IT department, or an outsourcing team
  • For businesses developing their digital product, platform, or startup
  • For startups actively engaged in development
The team constantly misses deadlines
The business challenges we solve:
The team operates inefficiently
You are not achieving the expected results
All knowledge and processes rely on one specialist
You are unsure about the competence of your employees
A significant amount of time is spent on fixing bugs and deficiencies
You suspect that employees may be moonlighting on the side
There is no technically competent specialist whom you can rely on and trust
How we work:
Day 1: Gathering general information about each team member
Day 2: Gathering general information about the tasks the team addresses
Day 3: Gathering general information about current processes within the team
Day 4: Interviews with decision-makers in the team
Day 5: Analysis of the collected information
Day 6: Additional interviews with the team based on the analyzed data
Day 7: Compilation of reports and recommendations
What you will receive:
*At the free consultation, we will address your issues or concerns regarding your IT team and develop a strategy for resolution, consisting of practical advice.
7 days
1. Practical recommendations on how to improve processes within the team to enhance its efficiency.

2. Practical recommendations on improving the efficiency of each employee.

3. Practical recommendations on team structure and associated costs.

Technical analysis of digital products

It will be beneficial
  • For venture funds and business angels investing in startups
  • For startups in the investment attraction stage
  • For businesses acquiring companies with digital assets
  • For businesses seeking expert opinions on the technical aspects of their products
Technological investment risks
The business challenges we solve:
Doubts about having proprietary technology or know-how
Doubts about the quality of technical implementation
Difficulty in undergoing technical analysis
Doubts about code quality
Technology owner deceiving or withholding information
Product is impossible to use and develop
Third-party technology forms the basis of the technology
How we work:
Day 1: Collection of initial information
Day 2: Information gathering for each section
Day 3: Code review
Day 4: Analysis of collected information
Day 5: Meeting with the team in a Q&A format
Day 6: Report compilation
What you will receive:
*At the free consultation, we will go through all the points of the report. You will learn more about the report's contents, our working process, and how to apply the information provided.
6 days
Extended report with conclusions and recommendations for each of the 10 main points and their 27 subpoints: Architecture, Infrastructure, Technologies, Development Processes, Code Review, Security, Scalability, and others.

The report will also highlight any red flags for investment.

How to create and launch your digital product

It will be beneficial
  • For businesses looking to launch their digital product
  • For businesses entering the online
  • For businesses aiming to scale through technology
  • For a founder looking to build a startup
  • For an early-stage startup
Loss of money and time due to inexperience
The business challenges we solve:
Uncertainty about where to start and how to proceed correctly
Mistakes in budget and timeline estimation
Incorrect sequence of steps
Issues with the team
Non-functional business model
Difficulty in coming up with a good idea
How we work:
Day 1: Immersion into the idea, goals, plans, what we want to do, and what we aim to achieve
Day 2: Discuss the target audience, market, business model, monetization, and competitors
Day 3: Discussing the strategy, budget, and deadlines
Day 4: Formulating a step-by-step plan to achieve the goal, and calculating the cost of implementation

What you will receive:
*At the free consultation, we will discuss the team requirements and estimate the cost of implementing your idea.
4 days
1. Developed a step-by-step launch strategy for your digital product.

2. Calculated the cost of product implementation.

Valuation of the cost of digital intellectual assets

It will be beneficial
  • For an investor investing in a company or startup
  • For a business looking to include digital assets on its balance sheet
  • For a business acquiring a company with digital assets
  • For a company involved in mergers and acquisitions
The cost of digital intellectual
assets are unclear
The business challenges we solve:
The seller inflates the price of the digital asset
Risk of overinvesting in technology that has little
value or is easily replicable
It's challenging to determine how much money is needed to create a similar digital asset
Fear of undervaluing the asset when selling
How we work:
Day 1: Collection of preliminary information
Day 2: Analysis and study of the digital asset
Day 3: Meeting with clarifying questions
Day 4: Compilation of the report
What you will receive:
*At the free consultation, we will analyze your digital asset and discuss the strategy for its assessment.
4 days
Information on the assessment of your digital asset in the form of a report with a detailed description of each module of the asset, along with detailed comments from our experts.

Identification of intellectual property rights violations

It will be beneficial
  • For a business purchasing a digital product
  • For a business creating a digital product
  • For an investor investing in a digital product
  • For a startup developing a digital product
Financial risks when purchasing a digital asset
The business challenges we solve:
Reputational risks in attracting investments
Financial risks when investing in a digital product
Legal risks
How we work:
Day 1: Collection of preliminary information
Day 2: Analysis and study of the collected information
Day 3: Compilation of the report
What you will receive:
*At the free consultation, we will review your case and discuss potential types of intellectual property rights violation risks.
3 days
Report on the analysis of violations and recommendations for their elimination if any are found.

Analysis and assessment of the security system's vulnerability

It will be beneficial
  • For businesses with remote employees
  • For businesses utilizing cloud solutions
  • For businesses storing information on the network
  • For businesses prioritizing their security
Insufficiently secured infrastructure access
The business challenges we solve:
Fear of information leakage onto the network
Weak control over access levels
The business is exposed to cyber attacks
No employee responsible for security
Employees use unsafe software
How we work:
Day 1: Collection of general information about the current security system
Day 2: Collection of general information about the employees
Day 3: Collection of general information about current issues and challenges
Day 4: Interviews with decision-makers in the team
Day 5: Analysis of the collected information
Day 6: Additional interviews with the team based on the analyzed data
Day 7: Compilation of reports and recommendations
What you will receive:
*At the free consultation, we will discuss the issues in your current security system and develop a strategy for their resolution.
7 days
1. Practical recommendations on how to enhance the information security system to improve its effectiveness.

2. Practical recommendations on the efficiency of the current infrastructure.

3. Practical recommendations for addressing each of the identified vulnerabilities.
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